5 Reasons to Hire a Coach

“Why would I pay for a career coach?”
“Can’t I learn how to become a Virtual Assistant for free?”
“Why do you charge for your program?”

As Virtual Assistant Coaches, we get these questions fairly often…

Honestly, Tianna and I asked these questions to ourselves when we first started Laptop + Littles!

And before we co-funded L+L, I did coach ladies for free, I directed them to all of the resources and tools and I didn’t charge a thing.

Now, I was only able to “coach” one woman at a time, and I wasn’t able to do it very often. It usually only happened when I had an existing relationship with them or someone sent them my way.

But I’m a mom of 4, I have a husband and full time job that I love (both the husband and the job!) 😅

So taking on someone who is trying to completely shift to or pursue a new career and I’m their only resource, is a lot to take on…even if it’s not super hands on. I’m sure you can imagine.

Because I found so much joy in it, I was happy to make the time. Then it got a little overwhelming, so I set some boundaries and quit offering so much of myself.

I wanted to take it on and be available to coach women in a hands-on way so they could change their life, but I never saw the right time for it. Tianna and I met in 2015 and I introduced her to the Virtual Assistant world, and shortly after…she started getting the same request from other women wanting to work from home 😅and she saw how much work that commitment entailed.

So for years, we talked about how to overcome the lack of time and ability to coach several women at a time in an efficient and effective way, but the timing never seemed right.

AND we asked those questions just above, telling ourselves we should just continue to offer guidance for free.

Then in May of 2020, we got bombarded with questions about how to start a Virtual Assistant career. Decided to start a FB group to give out more information (found the efficient part) and then again realized we couldn’t give our time to each of these ladies at once.

So we started Laptop + Littles, created a crash course on the Virtual Assistant world, started a classroom (FB group) where the ladies in our course could get coaching from us AND got a weekly coaching call with them on the calendar. All for $497 at the time. 🤩

We learned during our time guiding women into the VA world for free AND during our first month of Laptop + Littles the importance of dedicated coaches.

So for anyone who has been contemplating our programs or someone else’s course/programs/coaching…whatever, I want to share 5 reasons we know having a coach is a game changer:

  1. You immediately aren’t in it alone - Most coaches even have a community for you to join, of folks going through the same experience. So you don’t just get feedback and experience from your coach, you get it from the community of people further along in their journey.

  2. You will be kept accountable - Coaches are most interested in YOUR success, so if they see you giving up, not putting in the work, self-sabotaging…they won’t let you. We remind you what you invested in and take the steps to get you back on track.

  3. You have a new inner voice - You might not always believe in yourself or feel super confident, but you coach will always believe in you and will always build your confidence. Consider us your biggest hype girls. I think my favorite past-time is building other women up.

  4. You have experience you haven’t earned yet - There is something powerful about mentorship, when a mentor/coach is gifting their years of experience to someone just starting out. You might just be starting out but you have access to seasoned individuals in the industry you are venturing into. You should never worry about not knowing what to do or what the next step should be. Take advantage of this, your coach wants you to!

  5. You won’t waste time - Because coaches have the experience and are focused on getting you to where you want to be, they have a clear perspective of what you’re doing and what you shouldn’t be doing. You won’t waste time on things that don’t ultimately matter or get distracted with things that will lead you away from where you want to go.

So where do you want to go, Mama?

What has been stopping you from getting there?

Have you given up, gotten overwhelmed or discouraged?

Sometimes, all it takes is the right person in your life, cheering you on and showing you the way. Just because we CAN do so much on our own, doesn’t mean it’s always the best way for us. So if you are wanting a change, let’s chat about how we can help you, today.

Let’s chat, just DM us on IG @laptop_littles or email us at laptopandlittles@gmail.com